
My Programming Tutorials

How XML Files can be Converted into JSON Files with the Help of Online Tools

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How XML Files can be Converted into JSON Files with the Help of Online Tools

XML and JSON are the most popular formats for packaging and sending data in software systems. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. Both XML and JSON are written in such a way that computers and humans can understand them without having to do any translation.  Now different people… Read More »

What is SCRUM? The 5-letter Framework Explained!

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What is SCRUM? The 5-letter Framework Explained!

In the world of information technology, time is everything. Most of the fields in science have centuries to develop their theories and concepts. IT, on the other hand, is relatively new, as the internet was just introduced to the internet late into the previous century. There have been some echoes in the minds of the… Read More »